Smith Wesson 910 Reviews

Smith Wesson 910 Reviews

Smith Wesson 910 Review

Smith Wesson 910

Smith Wesson 910 Review

December 22, 2017 by

Even with large hands, this pistol for me isn't a natural point and shoot weapon. My natural single hand stance has the pistol pointing too far left. I have to use the sights to hit where I want to hit. On a positive note, after shooting approximately 800 rounds of factory ammo through the gun, I never had even one malfunction! That's amazing! However, with reloads, especially with lead bullets, I'd experience at least one jam every 50 rounds or so. Any more than 50 rounds with the lead wad cutters would result in a build up of a ring of lead in the breech which caused problems.

Smith Wesson 910 Review

Smith Wesson 910

Smith Wesson 910 Review

December 22, 2017 by

The local Cabela's has a used one for $325 with 2 mags and the case. It felt pretty good in my hand. Are these decent guns? Junk? Good price?

Smith Wesson 910 Review

Smith Wesson 910

Smith Wesson 910 Review

December 22, 2017 by

Hi All,

A number of you have already helped me to narrow down my first hand gun choices. I thougut it was going to be a Glock 17 or a Springfield XD, but today I tried out a S&W 910 and it just fit perfectly into my hand. I don't know what it was, but it just seemed right.

The problem is I can't test it out or anything. So I was hoping some of you experienced shooters could help me understand if the gun itself will we be a accurate, reliable, etc... as the other guns I was looking at.

Thank you so much!