Smith Wesson Model 68 Reviews

Smith Wesson Model 68 Reviews

Smith Wesson Model 68 Review

Smith Wesson Model 68

Smith Wesson Model 68 Review

January 30, 2018 by

When Smith & Wesson introduced their Model 69 Combat Magnum revolver in .44 Magnum back in 2016, there were a few RevolverGuys out there who wondered if S&W skipped a model number. The shooting world already knew about the popular Model 67 Combat Masterpiece Stainless, and now we had the new Model 69 Combat Magnum in .44, but shouldn’t there have been something in the middle? A Smith & Wesson Model 68, perhaps?

Smith Wesson Model 68 Review

Smith Wesson Model 68

Smith Wesson Model 68 Review

January 30, 2018 by

My friend is selling a new Smith & Wesson Model 68-2 "California Highway Patrol" .38 Spl. 6" stainless with presentation case and was wondering what is a fair market price for this gun.